Thursday, July 7, 2011

Activity #4

Exploration of Science Education Standards:

A.When conducting science investigations, ask and answer questions that will help decide the general areas of science being addressed. We did this in the first activity when the teacher provided questions for us to answer, and we had to come up with our own scientific experiment to judgment the previoius questions. Once we did that we were able to provide answers to the teachers questions.

B. Use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations. In this class i have had to use mulitiple sources to get information from encyclopedias to web searches i have had to utilize all my sources to answer the questions.

C. Use data they have collected to develop explanations and answer questions generated by investigations. I used this in my Biology class this summer, Th teacher provided us with the expectation of the experiment on males versus females on different tests.  He provided us with data from the different experiments and then we  had to use them to explain if there was a difference between females and males when it came to certain tasks, such as threading a needle.   We then used this data to answer questions about the experiment and what we thought about our hypothesis and the actual results.

D.Observe and describe physical events in objects at rest or in motion. I did this in Elementary school when we built small scale cars and had to create them to how we thought they would go the fastest based on the shape and model of the car and how must resistence it would have and if it could make it up a hill or not. We learned all about the physicial side of objects in motion and what happens with objects at rest.

E. Describe the weather commonly found in Wisconsin in terms of clouds, temperature, humidity, and forms of precipitation, and the changes that occur over time, including seasonal changes. We did this in my 6th grade science class for a week we had to watch the news and weather and keep data charts of the weather over a period of time. We learned all about the temperature, humidity, and precipitation, and changes that happened over the course of time.

F.Illustrate* the different ways that organisms grow through life stages and survive to produce new members of their type. I learned this in kindergarden when we had chicken eggs in our room that we got to watch hatch and grow until it was time to let them go. We learned all about the different stages of life of a chicken.

G. Discover what changes in technology have occurred in a career chosen by a parent, grandparent, or an adult friend over a long period of time. Well i think i learned about this in school when we had to do project that involved asking our grandparents or elder about what it was like when they grew up and what kinds of things they did and how things have changed over time.

H.Describe how science and technology have helped, and in some cases hindered, progress in providing better food, more rapid information, quicker and safer transportation, and more effective health care. We have always been able to have technology at reach whether it was our game boy or the remote.  We also use it in school as a faster source of information or comunication. Because we grew up like this we don’t know what it is like to not have quick information.  As for transportation we are used to cars, trains, planes, etc and always having them available.  Finally, we learned a lot about our health care by going to the doctor throughout our childhood.    

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